Saturday, September 6, 2008

And so the begining ..... that you have been formally introduced to me...let me tell u a lil about my name is A.E. originally from Brooklyn NY, and i have been an Entertainer since Michael Jackson was last seen with dark skin.Seee that was such a long time ago...anyway since i can remember..I have always had a passion for acting....singing....dancing....and welll hey, anything that i can show out my talents Went to JHS for is but kinda fell off when i started HS because well.....none of the Talent schools wanted me at the given time so fuck to it on my own and did it as a side hustle..So from doing talent shows from here to there...I eventually learned how to dance a groove we like to call HIP HOP and since then i havent been able to stop...Now also in becoming of my high school ages...I began to realize something was extra special about me when i was n the boys locker room and would secretly wait for the boys to take off their shorts to reveal something that put a smile to my face...yes n case u havent figured it...I am an African American Gay male ...But anyway back to basics.....
After HS and onto college...I decided that Entertainment was the way i wanted to go! I became more and more sufficient in my dancing...and eventually I became a CHOREOGRAPHER...took some vocal classes ....and even practiced my acting in a mirror (who does that???). 4 1/2 years and a whole lot of school stress, broken hearts, an Entourage, and a million backstabs later, I finally graduated College with my B.A. n Sociology and accomplished one of my goals....But the other one was still into play. Been thru too many dance crews, dance functions, and auditions....and finally it hit me after i graduated
..NYC competition is BANANAZ and in order to do what i have to do i gotta either 1. Screw sum1 n high places or 2. Move elsewhere and try to make it happen...So by looking at the name of this story u can tell what i did.. GOODBYE.. and hello..!!! People say that I did a bold move...and to be quite honest I really did. Im doing this for the people who said that wanted to be somebody but never could get off the couch to do so. Im doing this for the people who always asked that question: What if? but never really had the confidence to to do so. And more importantly im doing this for myself, to prove my theory to be true...that dreams come true...!! Fortunately for me so far this dreams has been a struggle..because im slowly running low on funds...the job market sucks right now so im still without 1...and overall though i am with family and a lil of friends out here...i feel sooo alone...But because of my previous relationships.... I rather be alone and focus on my primary goal than to be with sum1 and get caught up..heart broken and my eyes will slowly leave the prize...So what is the first lesson that i learned living out here for 2 weeks....ATL is NOT what i thought it wud b...Stayed Tuned and watch im telling u itll be a really reallly bumpy ride...

This is A.E. signing offf 9/5/08

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