Tuesday, December 23, 2008

In A Perfect World

Hey Guys...Im back with another thought....

AS the ending days of the year approach itself, I sit back and i just think...i think about all ive been thru and i think about the challenges that lie ahead in front of me, and I will take it on!!! No but seriously though, I am soo sorry ive been MIA for the last coupla of weeks but I have been on this spiritual journey that we all go thru at some point of time, and just try to figure out how not to think about what happens next with me and just live the day for what it is...and with 2009 rolling around...Heres what I know, what I learned, and hopefully it can help whoever is reading this particular blog...heres what i learned..

.........in a pefect world, one will never have to learn the har lessons that there is to learn in life. You would have the job you always dreamed off, the perfect friends who you see in the movie screens who would never comprimise your bonds, or stab you in the back because they know your worth and they would do nothing to let you down. You will have the perfect family, the ones who, if by any chance u slip and fall, will catch you withno hesitations....the ones who give you all the love your heart can ever want in life, the ideal shouler to cry on whenever you need it. YOu will meet the perfect person, the one that catches your eye when they pass you, and he will be the right one. The one you pray for every night and day, the one who you feel all your breakups led you too, the one who was ment to change your life. And you will live happily ever after..Because you have a perfect life..what more can you ask for??

............Well, I learned this world isnt perfect at all. And I do mean NOT perfect.....and every thing good or bad that happens to you happens for a reason....So what I do, I just sit back and pray..I pray that one day this economy will become better and I will get the job where I would make the difference in peoples lives and wake up enjoying every day, and as for right now..I think i actually do. I pray that I can have a family who really makes me feel like family rather than a relative, and you know what ..though they are not blood i do have a family that makes me feel like family rather than just a cousin or brother. ...And I just know that GOd will send me the man to blow my world away..one who listens to me, who provides that shelter for me...who saves this superhero..and you know...He did......And ill tell you, i just know hes the one for me...and though someone else is already in that place that i want to be in right now...i know...i feel....and for that...I pray...until then..the friendship is just amazing....I wont hate...i will love..and i just know one day soon...it will click....I pray. This I pray...and i learned prayer works..

You know it took me a long time to write this..because I didnt know what to say and how to say it but i think I just said it perfectly..haha

Merry Xmas and Happy NEw Year...2009



Monday, December 8, 2008

the Coldest Winter

Hey guys..its A.E. again back with something on the brain...

.....its the last month of the year, and my o my time has passed me by! Damn, its like last week was Labor day weekend, when i first moved out here with all the hopes and ambition, and now im here in December feeling a lil frustrated, confused, and homesick. I must admit though, Atlanta is starting to grow on me just a lil bit...yup guys, im starting to adjust to this slow lifestlye. I dont know why Im scared to ease up and get comfortable, maybe it's because everytime i feel like i get comfortable, something goes wrong in my life (especially since lliving out here), so im always on my grind and always remaining busy ...SO that time can kind of pass by and I forget about all the negative emotions i feel about this place...so that I can surpress the empty feeling I have inside curently..but i do have good news...i return to my home at the end of the month..I return backt o NY for the New Year...u know its funny because when i was in NY i would count down the days when i would able to return out here and now that im out here....I am counting the days down till I return back home. .....To a place where I wont be as alone, where i can take dance classes with people who share the same passion as mines, to a place where i know Love will be waiting, and people arent phony or bull shitters....

I dont know world im just a lil jaded...I guess thats why they say be careful what you ask for because u just may get it ..I asked to be taken to a place where i can concentrate and here I am in a new place and all im concentrating on the shit that brings me down, things that I said I wouldnt even give time of day to when i was living back in NY...Guess the joke was on me...But effectivly I will be a changed man...Ima basically do me and try to enjoy the good things about this place...

this is A.E. signing off......tellling everyone to listen to BEyonces DELUXE album..esp the last song on disc 2